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Who Killed Small Business Credit Card Protections?

Government, Politics and the Economy

Sentate Mystery: Who Killed Small Business Credit-Card Protection?

When the amendment offered by Senator Mary Landrieu (D – LA) to get new consumer credit-card protections extended to small businesses was killed last month, the perpetrators left no fingerprints. In fact, no one knows precisely what happened, or why.

The Small Business Owners' Wish List for Obama

Small business owners don't ask for much, but an end to the credit crunch, less talk of tax increases, and healthcare reform without coverage mandates do top their lists.

Way Cleared for Climate Bill Vote in House

With new benefits for farmers and coal-fired electric utilities, a plan to limit greenhouse gas emissions is set for a vote in the House of Representatives this week.

Management and Operations

Was Management to Blame for Today's Business Woes?

It may have been, which is what Aubrey C. Daniels' had in mind with his new book, OOPS! 13 Management Practices that Waste Time and Money (and what to do instead). He uses behavioral science to assess and attempt to correct management mistakes.

5 Common Business Plan Pitfalls (and How to Avoid Them)

Your business plan provides the framework for your company and a plan for its future, so it needs to be solid. To write one, you can start by identifying the five most common pitfalls and learn how to avoid them.

Legal Issues

Avoiding the Nine Nastiest Online Scams

Cyber-criminals, always quick to reinvent their tricks and lay new traps, are an ongoing problem for anyone doing business on the Web. Check out nine of the nastiest scams to avoid.

Taxes and Financial Issues

Tax Court Lesson: Pay Employment Taxes On Time

The IRS often holds individual business owners personally liable for a “willful” failure to pay employment taxes on time. Even a hands-off business owner could be hit with a massive tax bill, as the following case shows.

Technology Issues

Zappos CEO: Social Media Just for Recreation

For Zappos' CEO Tony Hsieh, the "real" social media, the way he builds relationships with his customers, are phone calls and email. For Hsieh, twittering and blogging are just for recreation.

Health, Benefits and Labor Issues

Retirement Issues Affect Employers, Too

With pensions and retiree health benefits largely things of the past and 401(k)s devastated by the recession, companies are at risk of becoming storehouses of bitter older employees who put in only the minimum effort to keep their jobs.

Branding, Sales and Marketing

Behavioral Marketing: Learning the Language
Sometimes there is a difference between what behavioral marketing vendors say and what they really mean.

B2B Email: A Little Budget Goes a Long Way
How can you use email to capture ripe, low-hanging revenue? Here are some pointers.

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