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Entrepreneurs on Obama


Government, Politics and the Economy

Entrepreneurs on Obama

According to a new survey, entrepreneurs are willing to give the President time to fix the economy, but many have serious questions about the wisdom of his policies.

Ownership, Management and Operations

12 Steps to Upgrade Your Business

To grow, for your business needs needs to evolve, you need to be able to see where things can be improved and address those areas. Here are a dozen things you can do today to make that happen.

No Free Labor

Take a lesson here and learn how not to manage your customers!

Legal Issues

The Employee Free Choice Act: Hidden Ramifications
Now that the Employee Free Choice Act—as it originally looked—does not appear as though it will rear its ugly head above the Capitol dome, unions and their allies are still fighting, meaning that the business community has little to celebrate—and much to fear.

EEOC Complaints: 10 Tips to a Successful Response

The EEOC has been increasing the number of administrative charges filed over the last few years and the trend is likely to continue. Since these are a sign of impending discrimination lawsuits, you need to handle them properly. Here are 10 tips will help you respond.

FTC Examining Blog Claims

If you have a product or service reviewed by one of the many blogs on the Internet today, make sure you didn't pay in some way for that nice review—the FTC is taking notice.

Taxes and Financial Issues

Bankruptcy: How Many Small Businesses Will Fall During the Recession?

While it is true that the number of business bankruptcies has been on the rise since the beginning of 2006, the number of bankruptcies we are seeing during the recession is well above the trend. When will it end?

Technology Issues

Tech Giants IBM and Google Looking to Serve Small Business

IBM and Google have increased their efforts to become the tech suppliers of choice to small and medium-size businesses. IBM is unveiling new products and services geared to small business while Google has made it easy for users of Microsoft Outlook to use its Web-based Google Apps tools as well.

The Internet: How it Devalues Everything

Did the Internet, so full of promise, actually help cause our current economic crisis? And where will it lead us next?

Health, Benefits and Labor Issues

House Democrats Unveil Healthcare Plan

House Democrats have presented a draft of their overhaul of the US healthcare system. Their plan includes a mandate that employers insure their employees or pay a penalty equal to 8% of their payroll.

Increased Pressure for More Time-off

New and strengthened Democratic majorities in many state legislatures are pushing measures that require businesses to grant employees additional time off for personal or family reasons.

Branding, Sales and Marketing

Email Marketing: Maximize Exposure and Monetize Results
If your email campaigns are just not hitting the mark, consider these techniques to help you maximize your exposure and monetize your results.

Marketing Tip: Find the Right Partner

One of your best resources for new leads may be companies that offer complementary services or products to your customer base. By working together, you can both achieve growth and strengthen your position with the end user.

Case Study: The Fable of Free
Apple's iPhone makes for a great case study into how “free” isn't always a good thing and how you can never underestimate the value of timing and good metrics.

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