10 Tips for Working the Room

Posted by Mount Prospect Chamber of Commerce on Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Networking can serve as a valuable strategy for getting a lead on a job, gathering intelligence, or catching the special attention of a company recruiter.

Most of us are not born minglers. As difficult or awkward as it may feel at first, the ability to meet and make a positive, professional impression on people will become ever more important as your career advances and develops. Here are some tips to get you started.

Tip #1
: Develop a plan to be prepared for the event. Make sure you have plenty of business cards and a good pen. Develop a few specific and measurable goals, such as meet (pick a number) new people and capture their contact information and something interesting about them and/or their business.

Tip #2: Develop your 30-second elevator speech to let people know who you are and what you do. Rehearse and envision introducing yourself with that 30-second elevator speech.

Tip #3: Select 3 or 4 interesting news items or other thought provoking questions that you can use as topics of conversation.

Tip #4: Put on your “game face.” Create the energy and enthusiasm that makes you look like you really want to be there and that you want to make everyone you meet feel special.

Tip #5
: Be positive. People do not enjoy negativity. If you are displeased about something at the event, be careful not to criticize the speaker, food, etc. since you may be talking to someone responsible for that feature.

Tip #6: Bring your best business and social manners. Good manners are noticed and can open opportunities for you.

Tip #7: Dress appropriately for the event.

Tip #8: Start building relationships by getting to know people and then work to turn contacts into clients and strangers into friends.

Tip #9: Always say thank you and good night. This is appropriate for those you met and certainly for those hosting and sponsoring the event. It is also appropriate to send written thank you and/or personal notes to the host, sponsor and people you met. These too will be noticed and appreciated and will assist in building a relationship.

Tip #10: Develop and engage your follow-up plan for the contacts made at the event

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Mount Prospect Chamber of Commerce

The Mount Prospect Chamber of Commerce - Our mission is to promote, support and assist the local business community through effective communication and quality services. Visit us online at www.mountprospectchamber.org.

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