Small Business BlogThe Bottom Line - Charles Cooper's insights about today's news


Will the Backbone of the Economy be the Backbone of the Recovery?

Will the deepening recession force a realignment from a unified national economy to one where local interests predominate? What would that mean for small business and is it the solution to our troubles?

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The Spammers Strike Back!

It has been a nice little break, with our inboxes pretty clean and our spam filters pulling part-time duty, but those quiet days are over as spammers have come back with even more sophisticated and dangerous missives aimed right at your computer.

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How to Answer a Complaint Letter

Complaint letters abound, there is now question of it, but how do you answer one? Here is one example, by way of Great Britain’s Inland Revenue, that I think takes the biscuit. We can only hope the IRS will develop a sense of humor like this, not to mention the style and flare to use it.

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Drawing the Line at Little Caylee

A little girl is dead, her mother is awaiting trial, her grandfather is an attempted suicide, the whole thing has been more of media circus than the OJ trial (though happily without the Dancing Itos) and what does one Florida company decide is a fitting and respectful thing to do? Yep, you guessed it: the $29.95 Caylee Anthony doll.

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Would a Population Boom Help or Hurt Us?

Taking a more, shall we say, personal approach, to their economic woes, Japan has asked employers to let their workers off early to spend time with their families, hoping that this will stimulate the birthrate. Why? Because they recognize that economies grow and thrive when birthrates do likewise. Would that work here?

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Sometimes a Nice Thank-you is The Wrong Way To Go

Mom always said that if you get something nice, you should always say “Thank you.” That is good advice in general and we at the Bottom Line heartily endorse it. However, Chrysler has just learned that this axiom does not apply to the receipt of tax payer bailout money. Who knew?

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Frauds, Scams, Trojan Horses and Other Fun Email Games for 2009

As if the financial games in Washington aren’t bad enough, now we have the scum of the Internet crawling out from under their various rocks and rotted logs to try and suck the monetary life out of those who actually work for a living. Have a look at what I received over just the last two days! NOTE: DO NOT CLICK ANY LINKS IN ANY OF THE EXAMPLES IN THE FOLLOWING ARTICLE.

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Small Business Bailout

Hidden among line-items that don’t seem to directly bear upon creating prosperity, there are a small number of provisions that deal directly with small business in the optimistically named American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.

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Singing the Tax Code Simplification Blues

With the inauguration of President Obama and the coming of the change he’s promised, can we add one more change to the list? Can we create a tax code you don’t need Deep Blue to figure out?

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Flight 1549: The Importance of Good Public Relations

You can always count on the airline industry to serve up a morality tale in how not to enhance your public image, but who knew the hole these guys are digging for themselves could go this deep? Spirit Airlines wants to charge a cancellation fee to some of the passengers on Flight 1549 when it went into Hudson River. Apparently, the mere fact of a plane crash-landing in the Hudson River isn’t enough for Spirit to figure out the passengers would not need a return flight.

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Attack of the Zombie Debtors

Where is Milla Jojovich when we need her? The zombies are coming, debt-ridden husks, they shuffle across the financial landscape seeking to feed on unwary taxpayers. How bad will it get? What can be done?

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The Final Word on Economic Stimulus

Einstein, who is purported to have been a pretty sharp guy, defined insanity as doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result each time. It seems that the experiment in Keynesian economics our government has been engaged in is about to prove Einstein’s theory, or are we looking at something entirely different?

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The Best States to Start Your New Business

The old saw is that the three most important things when setting up shop are location, location, location. Maybe there is something to that since there are some places that are more business-friendly than others. Here are the top seven states that want YOUR business.

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Florida Steps Up for Small Business

We have heard the call to bail out Main Street rather than Wall Street so much that we barely pay attention to it anymore, but Governor Charlie Crist of Florida paid attention and acted upon the call.

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A Vicious Cycle of Sales

It used to be that the holidays would roll around, prices would drop and then, once the annual consumer feeding frenzy was over, they would rise again. 2009 is shaping up to be something different, as retailers strive to keep the people coming in by piling sale on sale. A good strategy or do retailers just not know what to do? How can you break the cycle?

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