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Articles related to: employment

Charles M Cooper
Charles M Cooper

Fair Compensation: How to Know What to Pay Your Employees

It is one of the toughest decisions you have to make, what to pay someone, especially a professional. Are you overpaying them? Underpaying? What else do you offer, other than money, to make them feel well compensated for coming in each and every day, perks that make up for less-than-stellar wages? These are important questions, especially during recessionary times and ones you should address. After all, cherry-picking season will not last forever.

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Charles M Cooper
Charles M Cooper

Exempt or Nonexempt: You Need to Know

Do you know whether you are liable for overtime for your employees? Just because you pay them a salary doesn’t mean you are off the hook for time-and-a-half. Here is what you need to know.

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Charles M Cooper
Charles M Cooper

Tax Credits Expand for Businesses Hiring Unemployed Veterans and Certain Youth

According to the IRS, any business that is planning to claim the newly-expanded work opportunity tax credit for eligible unemployed veterans and unskilled younger workers hired during the first part of 2009 has until August 17th to request the necessary certification required to be able to take the tax credits that come with hiring these workers.

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Charles M Cooper
Charles M Cooper

Terminations: Make Sure You’re Right, and then Go Ahead

When it comes to firing an employee, it’s a bit easier if that employee did something wrong. The tough part is, you better be able to prove your allegations so they stand up in court.

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Kim Fenolio
Kim Fenolio

Small Biz Tip: Employment : Following Up After an Interview

How do you follow-up after an interview and make the right impression? Small Business tips to tell you the best follow-up steps to follow after an interview.

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Kim Fenolio
Kim Fenolio

Small Biz Tip: Employment : What to Say at an Interview

What do you say on a job interview? What do you do? These Small Business tips will cover those key points.

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Kim Fenolio
Kim Fenolio

Small Biz Tip: Employment : Resume Writing

Small Business to show you how to write the best possible resume and bring some killer value to the new team you'll join.

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Charles M Cooper
Charles M Cooper

A Very Green Way to Announce Layoffs

Going green is all the rage these days, but maybe you shouldn't go this green when it comes to announcing layoffs.

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Charles M Cooper
Charles M Cooper

Recruit and Keep Top Talent for Your Small Business

Yes, we are in a period of layoffs and downsizing, and the need to “trim the fat” is greater now than ever before. Trimming fat, however, implies that you want to keep the lean, which in this case makes finding and retaining top talent a top priority.

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Kim Fenolio
Kim Fenolio

Small Biz Tip: Employees: Finding People to Interview

Do you need to hire someone? Where do you start? How do you find someone? Which are the easiest ways to do so? Small Business tips about where to find people to interview.

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Kim Fenolio
Kim Fenolio

Small Biz Tip: Employees: Promoting from Within

What's cheaper: hiring new people or training the employees that you already have? Small Business tips about promoting from within.

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Kim Fenolio
Kim Fenolio

Small Biz Tip: Employees: Virtual Assistants

Small Business tips about Virtual Assistants. How can you save time and money? What are the benefits to outsourcing? Virtual Assistants of course!

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Kim Fenolio
Kim Fenolio

Small Biz Tip: Employees: How to Handle Them

Small Business tips about handling your employees. Learn how to interact with employees to get the best possible work environment.

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Charles M Cooper
Charles M Cooper

Employee Credit Checks

People lose points on their credit all the time, it is one of those bad things that happen to good people. Should it be used to make a hiring decision? That is the question that five states and the federal government are dealing with and the answer they come up with could change your hiring practices.

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